
Dedicated team with strategic skills

Management and employees of EGS Beteiligungen AG contribute know-how from industry, strategy consulting, investment banking and audit/controlling. They use their strategic and analytical skills to evaluate and successfully develop investments.

Investment company team
From left to right: Felipe Diehm (Investment Manager), Urs Eberhard (CFO), Roger Niggli (Investment Analyst), Julia Hall (Investment Manager), Dominik Sauter (Managing Director), Dr. Franz Studer (Member of the Executive Board), David Kurmann (Member of the Executive Board)
Sitzend, von links nach rechts: David Kurmann (Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung), Urs Eberhard (CFO, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung), Julia Hall (Investment Manager), Dominik Sauter (Senior Advisor)
Board of Directors
From left to right: Valentin Vogt (Independent Board of Directors), Daniela Bosshardt-Hengartner (Independent Board Member), Dr. Beat Walti (Board of Directors EGSB, President of the Board of Trustees), Dr. Monika Krüsi (Board of Directors EGSB, Board of Trustees), Dr. Roger Schmid (former Managing Director of the Foundation — resigned), Prof. Dr. Thomas Gutzwiller (Chairman of the Board of Directors EGSB, Board of Trustees)
Sitzend, von links nach rechts: Daniela Bosshardt-Hengartner (Unabhängige Verwaltungsrätin), Dr. Monika Krüsi (Verwaltungsrätin EGSB, Stiftungsrätin), Dr. Beat Walti (Verwaltungsrat EGSB, Präsident Stiftungsrat)

An experienced, committed and experienced team

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Investment Director/
Member of the Executive Board
Before joining EGSB, David gained extensive experience in management consulting at the Boston Consulting Group and Bain & Co. David was also active as Head of Sales & Marketing at an IoT start-up from ETH Zurich and Head of Business Development at an Argentinean MedTech company.

David has a Master of Arts (M.A) in Strategy & International Management from the University of St. Gallen (SIM-HSG). He also studied at the University of Lund (Sweden) and the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill (USA)

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