About EGSB
Profile of EGS Beteiligungen AG
The Ernst Göhner Foundation's investment activities in companies were bundled in 2009 in the wholly owned subsidiary EGS Beteiligungen AG. The philosophy of the EGSB reflects the ideas of Ernst Göhner, who created thousands of jobs as an entrepreneur, inventor and investor, founded welfare foundations for his employees as early as 1940 and supported young artists and charitable institutions.

We are a reliable investment partner for the Swiss economy
With our long-term investment activities, we ensure the preservation of jobs and know-how in Switzerland. We increase capital and generate a return that enables the Ernst Göhner Foundation to support projects in the areas of cultural, environmental, social, education and science.
Our mission
EGS Beteiligungen AG fulfills the entrepreneurial mission of the Ernst Göhner Foundation. To this end, we invest a significant portion of the foundation's assets in Swiss companies over the long term and actively promote their sustainable positive development. We focus on companies based or with significant added value in Switzerland, which are either already hidden champions or have the potential to become independent market leaders in their segment. The portfolio should consist primarily of established companies and secondarily of late-stage start-ups. Good governance by management and board of directors is a prerequisite for our investments. With the involvement of management, we create incentives to achieve our common goals. As an investor, we sit on the Board of Directors and offer strategic support through our know-how and network.
Ernst Göhner - 1900 - 1971

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